
We have been blessed to minister to pastors and missionaries in crisis in the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Missouri, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas by providing counseling, resources, and assistance in ministry placement.

In addition, part of our ministry includes writing and sharing daily devotions through email and Facebook. If you would like to join our email devotional list, please let me know by sending an email to 

During the month of December, we would like to thank you for giving to Wounded Shepherds Ministry by giving you a copy of our four-set, full-color book of daily devotions. These books cover every single season and every single day of the year. 

We'd love for you to join us in our mission of ministering to hurting pastors and missionaries and reaching lives for Christ. Wounded Shepherd Ministry is 501(c)3, non-profit, tax-deductible ministry. Your generosity enables us to help more people experience the life change that accompanies knowing Him. We appreciate your financial contribution and we hope that the simplicity and convenience of being able to do so online is helpful to you.

Online Donations:

You may authorize your bank to allow us to deduct a specified amount from your account without having to write a check. You may also use your debit or credit card, just like you pay bills or make purchases online. It's secure and confidential!

To give to Wounded Shepherds, please go to:

If you are more comfortable giving through check, you send donations to:

Wounded Shepherds Ministry

6608 Yacht Place

Hickory, NC  28601 

Thank you for your generous support!

Wounded Shepherd Ministry is 501(c)3, non-profit, tax-deductible ministry.